Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Anti-Age the food you eat

Foods that will prevent disease and make old age that much easier. 

The contents of your trolley may have you on the fast track to wrinkles, diseases and pre-mature old age. By making smarter food choices, staying active and following a healthier life you can significantly decrease your risks of getting certain diseases and you can even look younger for longer.  
High GI index such as sweets and white starches like rice and potatoes can attack and destroy proteins proteins such as collagen that keep the skin plump and young looking amongst other things. Such foods will also increase the risks of high blood pressure and heart disease. 
Eating anti-oxidant rich foods, whole grains and vitamin packed fruit will keep your collagen levels in check and will keep you healthy and disease free for a long time. 

Here are the hottest picks of foods that have the highest age-defying properties and decrease the risks of age related diseases

Although it may not have statistically proven "age-defying" properties, yogurt is packed full of calcium which helps reduce the risks of osteoporosis and it has a high concentration of 'good bacteria' that help your gut stay healthy and reduces the risks of age-related intestinal illnesses. 

Many health care professionals advise consuming fish as much as 4 times a week! This way, like the Inuits of Alaska, you can look forward to old age practically heart disease free. Fish contains an abundance of omega-3 fats that prevent cholesterol build up in the arteries and protects your heart against abnormal beating rhythms. 

Whole grains
The grainier the better. Recent research has shown that whole grain foods protect against colon cancer, strokes, heart related diseases and high blood pressure. These include wholegrain oats, brown rice, whole grain bread and fibre rich cereals. Each meal of the day must have a whole grain component and be sure to try to include whole grain snacks into your diet as well. 

Chocolate - dark. 
Dark chocolate, although a weight loss diet no-no, contains cocoa flavanols that lower inflammation, lower blood pressure and activate your brain. But don't go eating whole slabs just to get your blood pressure under control, that will definitely cause other problems such as diabetes. 

The age old saying "you are what you eat" is a painful yet real truth. If you choose to poison your body with fatty, processed foods, your body will eventually succumb to diseases such as cholesterol and heart disease. But if you choose to nourish your body with healthy, anti-oxidant rich foods that will cleanse and help your body you will help your body fight off disease and stay healthy. 

Don't poison your body, after all you can't order another one. 

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