Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Sleep: Natures Gift

Sleepy much??  ZZZZzzzzzzzzz 

'Sleep is a waste of time, I'll sleep when I'm dead.'
Sound familiar? This was Lady Gaga' response to critics who suggested that she was pushing herself too hard and would eventually have a nervous breakdown. 
It may seem OKAY to forfeit a few snoozes if you're chasing a deadline, working extra jobs or studying for exams but skipping sleep for too long will result in fatigue, misery and ill-health. 
Many sleep experts advise against skipping a night of sleep altogether because sleep, much like time, can never be caught up. Sleep restores your body, builds your immune system and helps you to recuperate and grow. You can forget about being alert and burning those extra calories if you've skipped a few good nights because burning calories requires much energy - energy that your body probably won't have if you have not had a good nights sleep.

Sleep is not a myth or something to do when you're dead. Lets face it, living on earth is tiring and your body needs to calm down after a long day. Your body needs sleep in order to heal, repair and de-stress. So don't rob yourself of one of natures best (and free) gifts. Give your body and mind what they deserve.

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