Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Beat the Holiday Binge!

Quick tips to help you stay healthy and fit during the festives. 

After a long and stressful year we all need to just let go and enjoy the indulgences of the holiday season, however, the holidays also come packed with sweet treats, lazy days and of course skipping your usual gym routine. In order to stay healthy, you need to eat in moderation and discipline yourself. 

1. Mind those germs! 
Believe it or not the festive season is also the time when most people get really sick. Most the sicknesses stem from viral infections that are spread through human interaction and by people touching germ infested armrests, trays, tables, belt buckles and latches. So, be safe. Carry some sanitizing wipes and wipe everything you're going to touch before getting comfortable in planes, taxis and buses.  

2. Stay Hydrated 
Drinking lots of water seems to be the cure for everything and that's because water works! 
If you're travelling, drink a half a litre of water for every hour you're in the air to counteract a dry throat and nose from the recycled air in the plane, Before you eat a hearty meal, drink at least two glasses of water so that you're partially full and don't end up downing the entire buffet! Drink lots of water before and after a heavy night of drinking to cleanse and detox your system.  

3. Resist, Resist, Resist! 
With all the shopping that comes with the festive season, its hard not to walk into a sweet shop and come out with bags full of sweet treats. Its also easy to walk into a fast food joint and grab burgers, fries and wings as a quick snack before continuing your shopping.
DON'T DO IT! Resist the urge to eat too many processed sugars (sweets, chocolates) and white starches (cakes, doughnuts, sugary desserts). Rather, put a limit to the amount of ' bad foods' you're allowed to have per day and stick to that limit. Just don't make the limit something like 3 cakes, 4 doughnuts, and 2 servings of dessert per day - that's not helping anyone. A realistic limit like 1 small serving of dessert and a half a slice of cake is moderate and allows you to still eat your holiday favorites. 

4. Do not stop working out. 
 The festive season = lazy days, family and friends coming over, new holiday destination blah, blah, blah... Whatever you do, don't stop exercising. Running up and down the stairs for 20 minutes is enough cardio for the day, top it off with some ab work and that's it. You really don't have to go to the gym to stay fit and healthy, use what you have around you. If you're in a different area, take a jog around the block and discover what lies around you. Discipline yourself and stay motivated.  

5. Pace yourself - its not a race.  
This time of the year is packed full of big holiday dinners, extravagant lunches and bug breakfasts but remember that you can enjoy the food you like without eating too much of it. So slow down on piling on too much food onto your plate and steer clear of the buffet table once you'r plate is full. Eat small portions of the food you love and fill your plate with whole grains, vegetables and chicken ( not fried!). Choose 1 item that's not so healthy and then fill your plate with healthier choices. For desserts, choose fruit salads if possible or if not take a really small portion of that dessert. 

Remember that it is totally possible to enjoy all your favorite foods in moderation and not all at once. If you just watch your portion sizes and discipline yourself, you really won't gain that much weight during the festive season. Whatever you do don't stop exercising and don't beat yourself up if you have a 1 binge day, just get bacck to eating healthy wholegrains and fibre packed vegetables. 
But most importantly, enjoy yourself. This is the one time of the year when everything stops and everyone comes together to enjoy the last stretch of the passed year, so enjoy being surrounded by loved ones and not having to wake up early for a change. After this year, we all deserve a break. 

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